Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Yo Ho!!!!!!!

Dear Bloggers,

How did you all enjoy your trip to Tall Ships?

Well this is what we really did...Played music on the way and watched the Oktoberfest video...and beside Jonny screaming in my ear on the was all good.

Here is a list of people that came on the voyage...


Ryan,Haily,Luke,and of course Jonny,Annie,James,John Cristopher,and Father Lebel...

As always and always will be,


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Your Favorite Actor/Actress!?!??!?!

This pics for Shan's;D Who is everybodies favorite Actor/Actress, and favorite singer too?
What is everybodies favorite scary movies? Since it's close to Halloween;) Well that sall for now until next time...
Beesweet ;)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Captered! the dana gang has been captured! . Being caught red handed stealing from mother hoberds coboard inc., you know the penelty for this crime, they were immeadiatly hung in the stocks . it has been found out that only one member from the gang remains... the vivacious queen. There have been no photos of this gangster. It has been proven that she was the leader of the dana gang. She still remains out in the open...waiting for the perfect time to pounce. The rest is classifeid and may not be disscussed.

On a second note I would like to say that i have come to be dissapointed in you bounty hunters. You did not prove yourselves worthy to have the "best bounty hunter" title, since you are all still learning i will let you slip by. But this time i may not be as forgiving ; ) Your Savvy LadyLou ;)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

'I could have danced all night! I could have dance all night and still have begged for more."

Hey everyone!Who here had soooo much fun at the Oktoberfest/Dance?Try to name every one you danced with :D What did all of you think of the food, and the painting ;) and about how many people showed up?
I just loved the dancing so much we are going to have do it more often;)
Oh and who here who worked before and during and after the party was tired (and i mean really,really tired)?
As always dancing away,

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Vote For Pedro!

My fellow Bloggers who here will VOTE FOR PEDRO!All in favor say...oh wait he's already elected darn and I wanted to help Napoleon,oh well.All right who here Like or Loves Napoleon Dynamite the Movie?Or whos Parents thought it was a waste of time?
Well untill I updated again my Fellow Bloggers...
As Always and always will be,

Saturday, October 01, 2005


These four train robbers were caught red handed stealing this fruit train headed towards the mining state. This is a rare photo of the notoriuos dana gang. Wild Eye Charlie, Savvy Lady Lou, Black Benny, and Infomus John. Bring justise to the west and a reward will be offered to
those who turn these ruffins in. REWARD 2000$