Monday, November 21, 2005

What are YOU thankfull for?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!Alright I just have one qustion for all of you bloggers out there....What are you thankful for???I am thankful for....Having such great friends at church,and for my Grandfather that he is getting well,and for spending time with my family these few weeks...

Untill next time,

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Once upon a time...

On the way home from Tall Ships everyone in the Munsill's van was playing a game. We all made up a story; taking turns telling a little bit at a time. Ethan started us off with, "Once upon a time, there was a girl that lived in a forest." Now here's where everyone gets a turn. Everyone that posts must keep the story in continuation. You are only allowed one sentence or 5 short clauses in every post, and you can't do another post directly one you just did. Catherine's gonna do the next sentence...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

I shoulda been a cowboy...... (or girl ;)

Hello Everyone,

Since Kat said it was time for an update i thought that i might have the honors in doing it.
This is a pic near my grandparents house ( on my dads side) WE were having a round-up that day. I didnt get to help catch the cows,or brand them....but i did get to ride later on that day. Charlie is on the left,then me, Nate ( he s my cousin) ben, Tearsa (cousin), Gabby (cousin once removed ;D) Oh yeah....And i forgot to put on sunscreen....... VERY stupid thing to do. i have to go now, Till next time i reamin, Your Lady
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