Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"Sunrise....Sunset. Sunrise Sunset." - Fiddler On the Roof

Dear Bloggers,

Well, it's plain and simple. I'm not going to be on Blogger, Facebook, or IM until Easter. I will still be on email for school purposes, but not much.

Lent is a time to make sacrifices and offer up the little things and big things for God. I'm going to be giving up computer and television for Lent. So now the big question for the next two months is...(drum roll please)...(not that I will see your answers)... What are you all giving up for Lent? Yes, the famous question right before Lent.

Oh and before I forget to mention! The Mardi Gras! I say props to Reed for the decorations and John Paul for being the Leader (Our president for YG), making sure we got everything done! Of course all the Shopping Gals who went to get the food deserve praise and thanks (yeah I was in that group!) And thanks goes to all the balloon helpers. Haha, I think the dance was fantastic! I was very surprised too, as to the number of people who showed up, because in the beginning it didn't look so good. Anyway, Congrats to everyone who helped put it together and I'll see you all after Easter!

God Bless,

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy St. Valentine's Day Everyone!

St. Valentine Pray For Us!

~Shan @};-