Friday, October 17, 2008

Special Education

Sorry its taken me sooo long to post on here. I started my first job at a Child Development Center right next to my school. Which I just love! I work with the special education department and work one on one with the kids either in the classroom, or playground. Just within the couple of days I have been there, I have learned so much! I love the kids, and my boss reminded to actually today, that it will be hard when they have to leave. So don't get too attached! (YIKES! TOO LATE!) ;-)
All the kids call me "Teacher Shannon" and some speak Spanish as well. (thank you SO MUCH SENORA CAPUTO for teaching me Spanish!) So I can converse and understand what some of the kids want as well. My teacher was right, you will use Spanish in your career where ever you go.
Alright what else... My madre's birthday was last week. 4* years old!! whoo! Also, Halloween is coming up. So SLOW FOR THE CHILDREN all you drivers out there! (lol! like.. slow for the cone zone.. instead its slow for children... yeah okay I'm done.)

On another note, school is great! I have so much fun at the JC in Folsom! Its sooo much easier then High School. I'd rather take junior college classes over High school classes ANY day. :-D
Thats it for now... another update probably next month.. Start thinking about what YOU are thankful for! (HINT HINT!)
Adios Amigos!