Friday, July 17, 2009

No excuses...

I know, I know... no excuses!

I'll just get to the point....

what is my point???

I forgot...

oh yeah!

I'm updating the blog.... yep thats it.

Happy now? lol!

I'll write something in the near.... future.... unless someone wants to step up and post about a movie or something... yeah didn't think so. Haha!

High School and College tend to do that.... take you one day, when you least expect it and take your brain and brain wash it of all blogging memories and fix you to only focus on school, parties, sleeping, and other such things that don't concern blogging. :-| I'm serious people.... if it hasn't happened yet to you, you have been warned!

So, this is my brain, fighting the battle between School and Blogging saying beware!! It is a very difficult battle, that still goes on day to day...

Oh and I did hear rumor that Facebook is doing something similar too.. except they want you to FEEL bad about neglecting your blogs! So, be on the look out for them as well. ;)

Until next time... my brave.... or dead bloggers...
