Wednesday, September 14, 2005

"I am your angel of music"...

Who hear Likes or Loves Phantom Of The Opera?I do,Ido,!
Who is your Favorite Actor or Actress?
Mine is...The Phantom!

As always and always will be,
Shan's ;)


Kat said...

I LOVE the Phantom of the Opera!! And my favorite. And the Phantom is my favorite ;) (of course)

My word verication was "vsutdab"

sHANNON said...

Thanx Dess!How could you not like The Phantom?!?!!?He is such a good Actor(not singing)!anyways I don't see any Boys commenting on this post(I wonder why) ;) my verification was

As always and always will be(with the phantom)


Dameo said...

Alright alright... I liked... lets see... in the movie I have to say I liked the owners.

sHANNON said...

U mean the the...Managers of the Opera House?yeah they were pretty funny...and I am glad u commented on this post Dameo...I'm a happy Girl now thanx;)

As always and always will be,


-Lance said...

In the movie the only person that was any good was really Christine and other than that it was below my expectations. The Phantom sorta ruined that movie for me.

sHANNON said...

There goes Desi's Computer again(sigh)anyways The Phantom was SOOOO awesome whatever all of you think...I really like the phantom(and hate Roul)...My verification was...yblbhds

As always and always will be,

Shan's ;)

Dameo said...

The Phantom.........................................(I slowly gulp).................. dont get me started there...

sHANNON said...

lol don't worry Dameo. Sorry...But i still LOVE the Phantom!Anyways...sigh....Can't wait to see you desi on Sunday!

As always and always will be(with the phantom)


sHANNON said...

Hey every one I will not be on the comp for a week cuz of school and well I have to get ready for it and do stuff so until sometime in the Future...:(

As always and always will be until next week,


Kat said...

Don't woory Shan's, we'll all keep your blog going...I will anyways ;)

Kat said...


sHANNON said...

uhhh than cathy but uhh well im back Seton got my books mixed up so ohh well ;)............


LadyLou said...

SCANDOLOUS!! yet awesome movie ;)

sHANNON said...

here we go again(sigh)Itr is a GREAT movie!


sHANNON said...

oh ok thanx dess I thought i would have to start all over again thanx alot des!

Shans with sarcasim