Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I was just looking through our infinite pile of pics and I picked the ones that describe the most what shows people in their natural behavior. Posted by Picasa


Jeeps said...

Just click on the pic to enlarge it.

Dameo said...

Poor Lance, thats not really him, thats me... He finally caught his fish up at the mountains, and for a pose, I forced him to act like he was eating it... I think it was the braces. :-D Awesome pics

sHANNON said...

Hey that is soo funny I lov those pics! I feel sorry for Ethan the most :DGreat post Jeeps

As always and always will be,


Jeeps said...

Yeah, I'll try to keep up the good work. I agree with Ethan, and his pic is my favorite. Thanks for the compliments!

sHANNON said...

No problem Jeeps or who ever you are! :D
Shans with sarcasim

LadyLou said...

TOTALLY AWESOME PICS!!!!!! they all look wonderful ;D - Your Lady ;) word vertif dcopu

sHANNON said...

Poor Ethan.......wait what about Lance!Ohhh poor Lance and Ethan :D anyways Great Pics Jeeps!
