Thursday, September 08, 2005

Its Something Unpredictable, But in the End Its Right....

Alright, I cant get that tune stuck out of my head. I just learned the guitar piece so that would explain it all. If anybody knows the name of that song (if you do, dont tell haha) say so. But anyways this blog was on the bottom of my updated list, seriously, so I thought, what instrument would you want to play? And what instrument do you play?



Jeeps said...

I play the violin! I'd also like to learn how to fiddle. And if I didn't want to play the violin it prob would've been the cello or the drums.

-Lance said...

I would want to play the piano. And the instrument I play is the piano. Hey what a coincidence!

Dameo said...

Yes Jeeps, drums would truly be fun. I play the guitar, piano, trumpet, trombone (well actually, now its only the guitar, but I have experiance with all, maybe the trumpet the least). I would like to play the fiddle, violin seems as if you must play sad music :-( If not that, then the drums fo' sho' (For sure, for those who dont talk ghetto).

sHANNON said...

NOOOOO don't bookmark my Blog!Hey all I just got back now unpacking (not that much)but It was SHWEET.

As always and always will be,

LadyLou said...

ummmm..... i dont know i like the piano.... maybe the flute....

-Lance said...

The recorder is also a great instrument. I would love to play with one of those. ;-)