Thursday, September 08, 2005

OK. I was just thinking, "So, if this is Shan's kind of town, I'm wondering what makes it different from the other "towns". Is it because we're not supposed to gossip or talk about certain things like politics. Or is there supposed to be a sort of thing contributers have to do?" Anyways, another thing I was thinking of was now that everthing is starting like choir and latin class and RMGS and YG and all, I wonder if there is something else that the parents and priests are thinking of. What else do you think we should do. Also, with All Saints Eve Party less then 2 months away(too bad the Cranes won't be there) I was wondering what everyone would be doing. Is anyone doing a booth? I think it would be awesome if we had the square dancing again now that we have a huge tent AND the gym. I was also thinking that Alter Guild should do the Dunk Tank this year since we hardly ever make any money. One last note. Everyone has a certain nick name, mine always having been "JP". Do you think it's time for a change? If so please leave you suggestions with you comments.


-Lance said...

No JP, JP is good. :-D

Dameo said...

JP is good.... just not the Jeeps

Kat said...

Fr. Novokowski has started a Catechism Class. And we should have another Squaredance at the All Saints' Eve Party.

sHANNON said...

Wow Jeeps you think alot (outside of school)IT'S JUST A TITLE!
