Some people say that the reason they love the Christmas season is because of all the presents they receive. Others because of the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people hate it altogether and say, "Bah Humbug." (remind you of anyone you know?) :-D Almost everyone, except for the "Bah Humbug-ers," love Christmas because of all the special memories they have during this season. One of my favorite Christmas memories happened after midnight mass one year. My Grandma had fallen asleep in the car so we left her in there, not wanting to wake her up. My Aunt forgot about her :-O and locked the doors. Later on that night...or morning we heard a whole bunch of crashes and bangs in the garage. My Grandma had waken up and was trying to get out through the car window!! )The childlock was on so she couldn't open the door form the inside.) So, what's your favorite Christmas memory?
Merry Christmas!
My favorite christmas memory was...About fours years ago my uncle who died of a heartattack 3 years ago, almost burned my grandparents house down because he would not listen to anyone, being stuborn and did'nt follow the directions and there were flames everywhere in the kithen. But thankfully we had a Fire Extinguisher;-D Instead of turkey that year we had chicken but after settling my grandma down everyone laughed there heads off. The best part about it was my dad got everything on tape!
Thats my favorite christmas memory. Hope you all have a great christmas!
I have a few... actually alot of memories, but the best ones were waking up at 2 in the morning and waiting for hours for our parents to come down so we could open the presents, that and when I was young I thought I might go see Santa, I went downstairs to find my parents playing Scabble (a little odd to me), but then I looked at the clock and noticed it was only ten! Yeah...
Yeah waking up at two o' clock was the best one for us, but our parents made us go back to bed, just to wake back up at 5:00
Yeha, I guess I'm not a child anymore, cuz our tree still looks pretty short to me.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
And a Happy New Year!!
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