Hello Everyone,
I know this blog has had a recent post, I just felt like posting something. This is for you guys who have never seen maddies "scary face". For those of you who have....well it should be a treat anyways. There are also a few others (besides the "scary face") that i thought you might enjoy. As always i reamin, Your Lady Lou
ps sorry about the way the writing is i couldnt fix it...
Great Pictures Elaine!!!!She's soooo cute!!
I love the scary face one!!
Hahahahaha, i knew you guys would. I'm glad you like them. I finally got a pic of her doing it. Sorry for the mispellings...Well keep enjoying them. Lady Lou
She's so cute!!! Great pictures Elaine... I'm glad you got one of the famous "scary face" :-D I love them all
I like her when she is hip. The hat totally fits her. The scary face one is awesome, I am glad you guys finally got a picture of her doing thatt.
Des did you do that on purpose?
lol Nice going desi!!! She is just sooo cute!!!
Wow Desi you must've pressed enter one too many times :D
she's soooooo cute!!!!!
Ok Irene,
You dont have to have her at 6:00 am you just have to have her at 5:30 am (feeding time):P, oh and Kat...i think i know what she means...LadyLou
Really? Please tell, Elly! ;-)
Yay Justin finally commented!!!! Hehe, I think she is just so cute.
Cute!!! I like the scary face and the one with the hat the best!
Yeah that scary face is a classic!
Wow, i didnt know that scary face was THAT popular....oh kat sorry but i still have nothing. Thanx for the comment Justin....always appreciated. Until next time i remain, LadyLou
That's all right Elly. I know all I need to know at the moment! ;-D
Is she wrapped around her finger or you around hers?....
Hmm......something tells me that there's a secret.........nevermind. BTW, very cute pics, though you've heard it a "fajillion" times. I think I like the one with the hat the best (next to the scary face of course).
Haha, why don't you ask her that? ;-D
Oh, i think you know Catherine....hmmmm jp i dont really know if there is......maybe kat could tell you....Until next time i remain LadyLou
It would be best to ask her....she might have more to tell....
Oh i think that you would know her answer....perhaps you should tell her
Well...you might say that we have now declared a truce. I DO know her answer...but you do too so there's no point in me telling you. ;-D
Ok now this has to stop before we have another Kat-Fight here...;-D
Oh there is no "kat-fight" at all....just discussion....in a manner which may prove hazardous to kats health ;D
Haha not my health, Elly...more like hers. :-D
You think so? Some certain people think otherwise...
I feel it coming on, anytime now...ready?And...wait...hold on... I can feel it! Its a... KAT-FIGHT!Haha nice try Elaine but Its a Kat-Fight now ;-D
Oh i dont think we need a Kat-fight....besides there is nothing to fight about ;)
Ding Ding Ding! And so ends the 3rd round of the game. Both players have given an astonishing performance in tonight's fight. The referee weighs their gloves and there's the bell; on we go into the 4th!
So who is winning? i mean if i am a player i should know if i am winning ( at least) and where is my opponent???Its all very confusing....
Oh! So I see the truce is off....Well my queen....I think you're going to lose this round as well! ;-)
Like I said...Kat-fight!!! Hehe this is so sweet!
Shan please...this is not a "kat"-fight....just a little blackmailing (not on my part fyi) ;-)
So wait i am kicked out now??? Someone must explain to me....although i think i have a pretty good idea of whats going on ( I would put a smug face....)
Oh thanks for such a high honor....i think JP has already taken that honor.....nice try :( ;)
Hehe Go JP!!!Anyways take a chill pill you to...;-) *I love it when theres a Kat-fight!*
This is all so confusing.... how did this all start, I mean Elaine barely said anything... unless she did and this is all more than it seems, like a clue to something.... I'll think about this one....
Wow... it's a shame I'm the only one on top (winning) of the fight! And I didnt even need to say anything !
Meow damien? I think that that has to count for something...
Meow damien? I think that that has to count for something...i think that you sliped that.....
Sorry about the double.....i pressed the enter button one to many times
"WOW! What an amazing show we have here tonight folks! Both fighters showing nary a bit of fatigue. This fight has definitely put its place down in history. Both contestants have shown their utmost diplay of technique and skill in catfighting. Will this game ever end or will the referee have to end the game in a draw? The crowd is cheering for more as we head on into the 5th to decide who shall be the champion. Just for the record folks, this is the first game where I have been stumped in figuring out who shall be the victor." BTW, everyone, I'm acting as one of those peeps who announces and broadcasts the game over the radio live. I'd like to be the referee but then you just don't get to say as much.
Shan...this isn't between Elly and me...it's Irene and me! Elly's just here to show some support... And Damien, you're not winning....who else could be winning a cat-fight but me? (For I am the Kat ;-) )
Did I ever say that this was between Elaine and You?? No I did'nt! So HA!!!....:-p
NO but you did say that there was a "kat-fight" and who else would it be with? Irene hadnt commented so therefore....? It comes to the conclusion that it would be between Kat and myself. And what is this Damien???You say you win and you dont contribute???I am sorry but to win this kat-fight you must have the speed and agility of a puma (sorry i just had to put that) I am here for the support of Kat, so it is kinda pointless to even try ;->
And you're doing a wonderful job, Elly!! Without you I would never *ahem* found out certain vital information without you! ;-D
Haha...I said "without you" twice....oh well
And Damien, don't even try getting mixed up in this...you won't like it...seriously...that would also go for all of you :-D :-D
VERY vital information.....
Vital as in if she never had it, Kat would've died? Why did you give her such vital information?!?!?! I have to agree, this is not Damien's fight and therefore he cannot be winning it.
But nonetheless I am now out of the fight, and nothing bad happened to me, so I must say I AM the winner (And I dont repeat myself twice) and nothing bad happened to me! ;)
Pretty soon this is not going to be fun in games...
Who ever said it was fun and games (mmmwwwhahahahaha) Damien you were never IN the games so therefor eits impossible for you to be OUT of the games...
Don't worry Lance, this is just...playful banter....yeah
Playful Baner......
uh hu....right...
I am proud to say that this bog has never had this many comments. We have now made history on such a blog as this. Let us pause a moment. The Curdosy of a Lady.....
Ha! I told y'all this is just fun and games (Yeah I know, that's not exactly what I said, but what the heck?! ;->)
And the fact that there are so many commments is not to your credit...you have the queen and myself to thank for that. If we had never started our little "game" this would never have happened. ;-D
Anyway, all of your needless worrying that Elly, Irene, and I were gonna tear each other to pieces was...needless. Don't take things so seriously...Smile! Life is good! :-P
How can I smile when things (in this instance, topics in blogs) nowadays are becoming so pointless, yet so FAMOUS!!! I should be crying in shame that things have come to this...
Or maybe your just crying because your blog ain't as popular as Shan's.
Whoa that was harsh jeeps. But I think it might be the cold hard truth ;). LadyLou
Ha! Elaine... maybe you shouldnt get a free e-hug... *dangit I already gave them out*.... wait, nevermind... I'll find a comeback later
Haha Thanks JP! And I hope that This Kat-fight fight or whatevere it is, is over now. And its ok Damien no need to cry...;-)
Well....technically it never really happened(it was after all just a little innocent game O:-))...so it really couldn't end....but yeah, I guess you can say it's over :-D
Oh and...why is it being referred to as a "k"at-fight? Instead of "cat"??
Because Its you little "K"at-fight Catherine, sheesh I thought you would've gotten it by now...;-D
Shannon, sounds like you want to start another "kat" fight. :-D
Hehe. Maybe and maybe not, who knows...;-D
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