Friday, March 31, 2006

I just thought you all might want to know that...

My Birthday is in 9 days!!! Yay!!! I love this time of the year! Alright if you know of anyone who's Birthday is this month, yell their name out!!! Haha I remember when my birthday was on Good-Friday last year I think it was...That was a nightmare ;-D!
Anyways, Happy Birthday to whoever has B-days this month!!



-Lance said...

Wednesday in Holy Week, so I don't think I'll be celebrating until Easter.

Dameo said...

December 15th!!!! Oh yeah! It's not in this month though...

Dameo said...
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sHANNON said...

I guess that works Damien...;-)

Kat said...

Happy Birthday Shan!! Happy Birthdat Lance!! Damien, can wait til December, ;->

Kat said...


LadyLou said...

HEY! KAT! you forgot my birthday *sniffle sniffle* I got a birthday this month...and it's right after Easter to ;P Sorry I couldn't help it. LadyLou

Kat said...

Sorry!!!!!!!!!! I know, after I had typed it I suddenly remembered that I forgot yours...and Beni's!!! I felt terrible and wanted to fix it but I couldn't get back on. I'm so sorry!!!! (Kinda) ;->

-Lance said...

Yes Happy Birthday to all you April babies out there, especially to me. :D

sHANNON said...

Haha I love it everyone at church has been saying Happy Birthday and my birthday is THIS coming sunday...maybe cuz of what Kat did ;-D!

sHANNON said...

Its almost my Birthday!!! Yay!!! almost 5 more hours and I'm 15!!!yay!!! ;-D