This blog only has 3 rules: 1. No pictures of priests, 2. No gossip, 3. No discussion of politics. Now those rules shouldn't be too hard to follow.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Memorial Day
Well for this Memorial Day/weekend my dad went to Washington D.C. with a friend of his. Hewent to the Tomb of the unknown soldier, the Lincoln Memorial, Arlington National cemetery. Then the 3rd picture from the bottom was from my concert with the Mother Load YouthSymphony (But that was only just the strings playing in that pic). My mom and my brother and sister and I went to Napa to see myGrandparents and visit with some of the family over there for the weekend. Now what did all of you do for Memorial Day?
Well, at our local cemitary we put flags on all the veterins. Other then that we stayed home and were happy that we had a day off from school:-D Beesweet
Our fam had a party at the Longeneckers, played some croquet (sp), had some awesome bbq along with other good tasting grub, and just had a good day. Of course, there was no school. I should have gone to mass and I forgot to remember the veterans in my prayers that day (still have to do that). Hope your dad had an awesome time, Shan.
Thanks Des! Well right where at the moment. I had to quit my cello teacher cuz of my knee, I have to go to the Gym/P.T./the pool almost everyday for 8 weeks. But I am soo doing Mother Load Y.S. in August again! Thanks for the comments too!
Well, at our local cemitary we put flags on all the veterins. Other then that we stayed home and were happy that we had a day off from school:-D
Nice pics, we just sorta relaxed and did no school, relaxing being playing a softball game with cousins for most of the day.
Our fam had a party at the Longeneckers, played some croquet (sp), had some awesome bbq along with other good tasting grub, and just had a good day. Of course, there was no school. I should have gone to mass and I forgot to remember the veterans in my prayers that day (still have to do that). Hope your dad had an awesome time, Shan.
Thanks Des! Well right where at the moment. I had to quit my cello teacher cuz of my knee, I have to go to the Gym/P.T./the pool almost everyday for 8 weeks. But I am soo doing Mother Load Y.S. in August again!
Thanks for the comments too!
Same difference...;-)
Was P-town ballers canceled? Why was it? I can't get to pop up.....
It got deleted. Sorry Elaine.
Who's Tricia? I'm guessing she's a cousin or something of that nature.
Haha, no she's my Aunt.
haha its uncle john!!hahahah
Umm how could Aunt Tricia be my dad Tyler?
no im saying ha look at uncle john and u hav to call me once in a while like once u get this comment!!!!!!!
I don't think so Ty :-D
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