Saturday, September 09, 2006

Crocodile Hunter Dead

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Yeah that's right thee one and only crocodile Hunter DEAD by a sting ray. Of all animals a sting ray! I mean I was expecting him to die from a good old crocodilele or snake bite or SOMETHING better then a dumb old little sting ray. I'm not too sad about it, even though my parents were pretty shocked from it. I was just waiting for the day until the news said "Crocodile Hunter Dead from crocodile". BUT NO! A sting ray! Although I feel pretty sad for his wife....I remember when he had his daughter when she was born on Air he put her right up near this alligator and starts talking about the alligatorer blah, blah, blah and lost tons and tons of viewersrs just because of that one mistake. So anyways this post is a contribute to the one and only Crocodilele Hunter Steve Irwin.



Dameo said...

Yep...Crocodile Hunters has been known to me since I was uber little! I've heard about his one daughter mistake, and he said he had everything in control one:knowing how crocodiles work and two: (in my opinion) drugging up the crocodile so it does nothing. :-D I will definitely miss him though. It was enjoyable watching him do crazy things always saying "Crikey!" and what not.

TCB said...

yea crocke

sHANNON said...

Okay thanks JC!