Sunday, March 11, 2007

Libertango (Piazzolla) - Yo-Yo Ma

Hola everyone!

Its Sunday! Do you know what that means? Time to Party! We not really, because that should be saved for all the drinking on St. Patty's Day! That could be the new show! How many shots can you handle? don't care. Okay!

On to other stuff, I found so much stuff on Yo Yo Ma for my research report I'm doing on the cello. Well, I finished the report and got 100% but that's not the point! My point is that I have played for all those years and didn't realized how long it had been and all the history there was. Man! Does about 6 years count? (I think that's how long anyways...) But I had know idea all the history about the Cello! I mean it just amazes me that Andre Amati (the first cello maker) was Stradivari's (he is the maker of the bestest violins ever!) teacher! That's just a taste of what I have learned. Now, I'm off to writing a play. Yes, a play. A ONE act play about Disability. Yeah, not my idea (my Teacher of course) but I get extra credit and its a contest so if I don't win I still get my extra credit and if I do will be cool I can tell you that. So this week is to the books for ideas!!Hahaha, it was either that or do the Odyssey all over again. Hard decision, huh? Not really.
Yesterday we (the book club) went and saw Twelve Angry Men at the Community Center Theater in Sacramento. I loved it, not sure about anyone else out there but I though that the anger was so much more than in the Book OR in the Movie. I got chills. Yeah I did! Maybe because Richard Thomas was in it! We will never know. It was a awesome play though I must say. It was worth the money! :-D Although the walk to Round Table and back was a bit harsh..but anyways!
Since Lent has started I have noticed how addicting it can be to watch a TV show. 24 is one of my favorite shows of all time, besides LOST! While my family is watching all these shows it is so tempting to just peek around the corner and take a look at what their screaming at, but in a good way its nice because I have gotten ahead in my school work and have plenty of time for spiritual reading and prayer time. Its been rather relaxing, no stress really. And plenty of time to write letters I can tell you that! Oh and I think I'm going to make Rosary Making as a living. I've done it so many times these past few weeks that I could probably do it in my sleep!

Well I think that's about it, besides being extremely tired right now from a long day. So I will bid you all goodnight! Until Next Sunday!


P.S. This is one of my favorite songs from Yo Yo Ma.


Dameo said...

It's Saturday!!! Do you know what that means??? PARTAY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOTTT!!! You ready to party, Shanners?? I sure am...I just might need something to completely wake me up first. >_<

Dameo said...

Oh yeah....good post, I liked Yo-Yo Ma, too. :-D Though...he's not quite as good as an R&B/rapper as I thought he was; he was definitely not a disappointment, though.

sHANNON said...

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!!! Of course I'm ready to party! I've been ready! R&B/rapper? Yeah okay...:-p

chibisukie said...

Great Post Shan!!! That video of Yo-Yo Ma was great! Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Kat said...

You have awesome taste in music, Shanchez! ;-P

Anonymous said...

My Kind Of Town ... Chicago Is!

sHANNON said...

Hahaha, I had no idea who that was...but then I showed my mom and she started laughing. Hi Mr. Mcgowan! Thanks for the comment :-D

Kat said...

Happy Birthday darling!!

sHANNON said...

Thank you so much!!! Muah! Muah!!

Anonymous said...

Well said.