This blog only has 3 rules: 1. No pictures of priests, 2. No gossip, 3. No discussion of politics. Now those rules shouldn't be too hard to follow.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Luke Menard
Would you say it like "Luke MenERD"
Or "Luke MEEnard"
Or "Luke MenARD" ??
And if you want to know how he is.. he was on American Idol. Like the Top 24 or something like that. I guess he has Cancer and FOX 40 was doing a story on him and the anchor women asked how you say his name.. we thought it was "Luke MenARD"
Oh and today is St. Philip Neri's feast day! And when I was Baptized! :-D
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hell's Kitchen/Moment of Truth
I also took my Spanish Final today and passed the class! Which I'm very happy about. So now I just have to worry about getting a job, and traveling, and all that jazz. Oh, also the heat. Since my padre took down the tree in our neighbors yard (for the solar panels), my room has been staying at 90 degrees and getting hotter (that tree was my only way of surviving every summer with its shade during the afternoon). So now I must keep my room on total lock down.
Alright, now I would like to talk about Hell's Kitchen. I've been watching the past couple of weeks, and man! If you want to get stressed or want to become stressed or upset, thats the show to watch. That show is so intense! The one thing I don't really like is all the language. They bleep it out of course, but you don't know what their saying because they bleep so much! lol! Thats our society I guess...
and whats funny is that its always on after American Idol so for all those 12 year olds watching AI then all of a sudden watch Hells Kitchen start acting the same way. I mean that show has a BIG impact on people. Your mood changes after it because you get so upset and stressed because Chef yells at everyone and anything and pushes them all to the limit to see what they can handle and deserve to run his new restaurant in L.A.
I just don't think its worth it.. to be yelled at like that and be humiliated. Its like the Army!
Its like that one show that was on called "Moment of Truth" basically telling all your secrets on TV and confessing to the public of stuff you did from cheating, to stealing, to lying, to everything!
And the thing is, the ratings for that show are high! Its returning next Tuesday or something like that. After 2 or 3 months their back on. And I have to say, some of those episodes are not for 13 or younger for sure. My dad and I watched one and were shocked they ruined a marriage on TV like that with one couple. Just with a lie detector. Anyways, I'd like to know your thoughts on this Television show and see what you think. Because I think its very interesting why people tune into it. My father didn't want any of us watching it when it began. First off it doesn't show responsibility, and these people are just wackos who messed up their lives ad doesn't send a good message to the kids out there when they see those contestants win 5000 and the audience congratulating then and applauding. What does that say to people out there?
I mean, no ones perfect.. but do you have to publicize your problems all over and show how much of an idiot you are? Anyways those are my thoughts for the day.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Just wanted ya'll to know.. Our Kind Of Town reached 1000 views today.. or yesterday.. or... yeah. So thank you all for viewing the blog. I mean it didn't help that I was on here a lot fixing up stuff.. but.. yeah. Anyways! It just "shows to go ya" that a Blog never dies when you put a little effort into it. And I'm pretty happy and proud of all you who kept your blogs from dying. Its been a long, tiring road. But we're still here!
Anyways, I just would like to say... before tonight and what happens tomorrow.. I just want to say that we've had a good run. And props to both David's and may the best David Win! :-p
Btw, I'm really would like EVERYone who can to vote tonight. It will be close.. but please... PLEASE vote tonight. And don't forget! There is nothing worse then not voting and wondering what would of happen if that ONE vote maybe.. just maybe COULD of made a difference. :-D
Thanks, and hopefully David will win (not saying who.. because both are great and I hope they do a great job tonight!)
Friday, May 16, 2008
Superchick - Hero
No one sits with him, he doesn't fit in
But we feel like we do when we make fun of him
Cause you want to belong do you go along?
Cause his pain is the price paid for you to belong
It's not like you hate him or want him to die
But maybe he goes home and thinks suicide
Or he comes back to school with a gun at his side
Any kindness from you might have saved his life
Heroes are made when you make a choice
You could be a hero
Heroes do what's right
You could be a hero
You might save a life
You could be a hero, You could join the fight
For what's right for what's right for what's right
No one talks to her, she feels so alone
She's in too much pain to survive on her own
The hurt she can't handle overflows to a knife
She writes on her arm, wants to give up her life
Each day she goes on is a day that she is brave,
Fighting the lie that giving up is the way,
Each moment of courage her own life she saves
When she throws the pills out a hero is made
No one talks to him about how he lives
He thinks that the choices he makes are just his
Doesn't know he's a leader with the way he behaves
And others will follow the choices he's made
He lives on the edge, he's old enough to decide
His brother who wants to be him is just nine
He can do what he wants because it's his right
The choices he makes change a nine year old's life
Little Mikey D. was the one in class who everyday got brutually harassed
This went on for years until he decided that never again would he shed another tear
So he walked through the door, grabbed a four four out of his father's dressing drawer
And said I can't take life no more
And like that life can be lost
But this ain't even about that
All of us just sat back and watched it happen
Thinkin' it's not my responsibility to solve a problem that isn't about me
This is our problem
This is just one of the daily scenarios which we choose to close our eyes
Instead of doing the right thing
If we make a choice and be the voice for those who won't speak up for themselves
How many lives would be saved, changed, rearranged
Now it's our time to pick a side
So don't keep walkin' by
Not wantin' to intervene
Cause you wanna exist and never be saved
So let's wake up and change the world
Our time is now
This song really meant a lot to me personally. Because a lot of kids don't realize how much harm they do to other kids when they tease or have make-fun of other kids. Especially at my school and many other schools. You should always be the better person and be charitable. There are many other people out there who could actually need you, and who need to talk with you. Don't be afraid. :-)
Just a little note.
Chem 305
So, I'm a little nervous since (hopefully) I'll be taking Chem at the JC. And my madre took it and almost died. So I'll only take it for a semester which will be sooo nice. Instead of a full year like Bio at the college. ugh.. lol!
So I just have ONE week left of school. And I'm so freakin' excited! Today I had to do a Bio Lab Test at the College, and it was SO much fun. Because my teacher had an earthworm, and a Crayfish open and we had to identify the organs and everything. So hopefully I passed that since I enjoyed dissecting it when we had those labs earlier this month. Good times.. !!
Going totally out of the subject right now.. but what do you think or David Archuleta and David Cook facing it off next this coming week on American Idol? I TOTALLY am voting for David Cook no matter what. Because, he is so worth it and he has a GREAT voice. David Archuleta does too.. but I sort of feel like I'm in the 90's every time he sings because he ALWAYS sings Ballads and when he sings R&B.. he just ruins the song. No offense. I mean when he sang "With You" by Chris Brown, my dad was going crazy because he thought it was great. But, he never heard the song before and I did.. and I thought he.. killed it. I really don't want to hear that song again now.
Anyways, So Both Davids will sing... who will win? Who do YOU think deserves to be.. the next.. AMERican IDol. :-p
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Quick Note
Big News, Boring News, Huge News.. yeah.
We went to my cousin Michael's First Holy Communion which was very nice. St. Vincent's church is VERY beautiful and big. I just wish that we could have a church like that for the Latin Mass. Anyways, all the children who received our Lord dressed their best and behaved very well. Father gave a very nice sermon and sort of went down to the kids level of understanding and really did a good job.
After that, I had a bit of a hard time driving with all the signals there. I mean, when it turns green on some, you have to wait to turn left and move slllooowwwlllyyy out and wait for the oncoming cars to go across.. it was.. scary. lol! My grandpa and I dropped Tyler off at his baseball game on Sunday afternoon and we .. sort of got "lost". I'd ask where to go, and he would just say "Just turn here.. I think". So we basically had a wonderful time trying to find the house again after taking some wrong turns ect. It was fun though, spending some quality time with him, teaching me stuff on how to turn and different signals, and then contradicting my turns.. which wasn't very nice. :-p But I had a great weekend with my family. Saturday night Tyler, Conman and I went swimming and had a blast goofing off and waking up the neighbors. Good times...
Mother's Day was a lot of fun. We went to St. James church (the church where my parents were married, and where I was baptized). And saw the same priest who married my parents and baptized me. Then we went to the Elks Club. Had brunch there and then headed back to my grandparents house. We sat around chillin' and talking to everyone...
And then I got the phone call. My father (he went to his mother's house for Mothers Day) called me earlier in the day asking when I got out of school and what day I got back. I was a little confused but decided to forget it. Then my grandmother called later and asked if I wanted to go to Italy with her. I would have to do some hard labor at her house for a week for it. Of course I was freaking out and said yes. So I guess my cousin is getting married in Como, Italia and she wanted a Travel Companion. So after I get out of school I'll head over to her house and help around her house and do some projects ect. I just handed in all my papers for my passport and I'm very excited. So I'll be getting that in about two weeks (ha, right when I get out of school!). My grandma said that she and I will be able to go to Rome for 3 days and visit the Vatican ect. The one place though which I have been wanting to go every since I knew of his name is St. Philip Neri. Can you believe that I would want to go there first before the Vatican?? But, its true. I made a promise to myself that I once I hit Rome, I would go straight to St. Philip Neri.
He has been a great influence in my life and helped me out a lot through my life. So yeah I basically HAVE to see him and his church. But I'm truly grateful to my Grandma for giving me this opportunity. I'll be gone for two weeks tops. And I'll be able to see all the cousins!
Anyways, I think thats everything that has happened.. well there is Spanish but thats another post I'll get into later.
Friday, May 09, 2008
It feels so good..
Okay, so while I blabbering on about School.. I was thinking how thankful I am for being on schedule and not missing any assignments for school (otherwise.. no credits!). Truly, work does pay off. Some of the kids at my school have to take Summer School to make up their work.. for not doing their work during the school year. But, let me tell you how wonderful that feeling is when you are two weeks away and you have no late work to turn in or redo. Its unbelievable how much work you put in and realize how much you did, seeing that pile of papers.. yes that was your work from all year, and then facing that glorious day.. May 23rd. When you don't have to look at another teacher, student, binder, or school book again, is so amazing. :-D
Sorry if I'm going over board. I'm just so glad that I can finally relax and not have to worry or stress if I have everything or haven't forgotten anything or realized that, THAT TEST was THIS week!? lol!
Yeah, anyways.. I hope you all will be able to enjoy this summer and enjoy your family and friends.. I've neglected alot of that for school. And I'm truly sorry.. (But God comes first.. then school. :-p)
Peace out and have a GREAT summer!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Write Whatever Whenever!
So I have to memorize some lines from Julius Caesar. And its due this Monday, so I've been saying them over and writing them down. But its so hard! lol! After writing my essay on Mark Antony's speech after Caesar's death I finally understand the story, but why can't I memorize a few tiny lines? No idea. So I'm working on THAT this weekend (yaaaay..). Also, this weekend, I am going to my cousins First Holy Communion! I'll be heading over to Petaluma and chillin' with Tyler and my grandparents which will be nice. And hopefully we can get Tyler to come out HERE this summer (hint, HINT!).
OH! Also, I wanted to say that Iron Man was amazing! Best movie by far this year. I loved it! All the action, and humor was really awesome. And the technology in this movie was unbelievable! I wish I was as smart as Iron Man thats for sure. So I recommend that you go see it.Its truly an enjoyable movie to watch.
Now, on to American Idol. Seriously.. everyone! I hope you all were watching this week. Because Jason Castro was HORRIBLE! I truly believe that he wanted to go home. HE JUST DIDN'T CARE! He forgot his lines, and was just doing random, awkward stuff like he didn't care anymore and that he wanted to go home. It was truly depressing because when your on there, YOU only get ONE shot! And he blew it. He was so out of tune and just didn't care. But, he's off now! So now hopefully the show will take this all seriously and David Cook, David Archuleta, And Syesha will take it out of the ball park and sing their hearts out. I'm a little tired of every week of them using the excuse that they were "Having Fun" while singing the song. How cheesy?! This is American Idol.. you mostly have to take this seriously and play the game. I mean you can have fun, but having fun and being lazy and just singing the song is not how American Idol rolls. Go to a Karaoke Bar if you want to have fun.
Okay, I'm done with that. :-p
I told you that I was just going to write.. and thats what I'm doing. :-D
Hmm.. let me think..
I got nothing..
Alright well I'll save you all from reading any more.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
We Live - Superchick
There's a cross on the side of the road
Where a mother lost her son
How could she know that the morning he left
Would be the last time she'd trade with him for a little more time
(so she could say she loved him one last time)
And hold him tight
But with life we never know when we're coming up to the end of the road
So what do we do then
With tragedy around the bend
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
There's a man who waits for the tests to
See if the cancer had spread yet
And now he asks why did I wait to live 'til it was time to die
If I could have the time back, how I'd live
Life is such a gift
So how does the story end?
Well, this is your story and it all depends
So don't let it become true
Get out and do what we were meant to do
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
Waking up to another dark morning
People are mourning
The weather in life outside is storming
But what would it take for the clouds to break
For us to realize each day
Is a gift somehow, someway
And get our heads up out of this darkness
And spark this new mindset and start on with life cuz it ain't gone yet
And tragedy's a reminder to take off the blinders and wake up
(to live the life)
We're supposed to take up
(moving forward)
With all our heads up
Cuz life is worth living
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
So, when people look at you or have that "tone" like your just.. crazy. Or annoying. You should just look back and start barking or quacking. See what happens?
That was just a tip for the day.
So, I went to school, and one of my teachers and I were discussing my "goals" for my life.
It was very interesting. Because, my NUMBER 1 goal in life is to get to Heaven and to know, love, and serve God and ect. But my teacher doesn't understand this. So we just discussed my goals for school.. jobs.. ect.
And, I looked at my sheet from last year with all my "goals" .. and I didn't write anything! It was all blank except a few easy questions about what I like and what not. So, I did this question/goal list again this year.. and I still didn't write anything. (my teacher wasn't happy that I couldn't come up with anything again.. let me tell you that right now..) So, now I have to make a choice for the next two years. College, Job, basically my vocation in my life. Big decisions to make, plans to plan, ect.
So I'm at that crossroads. And I know a LOT of you are there too. I might not be as far, but I'm close (thinking ahead ect.). So for all you bloggers and young adults out there, I feel your pain. Its hard, and I finally understand what they meant when they said that it would be hard. Its one of many crosses to bear, and I give props to all of you who have figured out your lives and are happily married, or in college, graduated, priesthood, religious life, even the single life. Because I don't think I could make that change.. not yet anyways.
So, thats just my note for the day.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Radio Broadcast - Smoking
Radio Broadcast
Boy 1: Hey! Wanna try a cigarette?
Girl 2: Uhhmmm.. sure thanks!
Boy1: Here you go..
Girl 2: *starts coughing.. *mumbles* thanks.
Boy 1: No problem..
Man 2: This is where it all starts. A friend offers your son or daughter a cigarette; they get embarrassed and don’t know what to do. So they accept that invitation and take a few smokes. Then they think Its “cool” to smoke.. And then they smoke more, and more, and more. This is what happens, every day, any anytime.
Is YOUR son or daughter under the influence of smoking? Then call now at 1800-***-**** and we’ll help you and your child out with our new curing sensation called “COOL OFF” for that nicotine addiction.
I had to write a radio broadcast on a problem in our society a year or two ago.. back in my freshmen days. (lovely..) :-p Anyways hope you enjoy!
p.s. Man2 has a real deep voice. ;-p