Wednesday, May 07, 2008


So, I thought I would post.. for randomness...esss..sss..ees...ness...... ya.

So, when people look at you or have that "tone" like your just.. crazy. Or annoying. You should just look back and start barking or quacking. See what happens?

That was just a tip for the day.
So, I went to school, and one of my teachers and I were discussing my "goals" for my life.
It was very interesting. Because, my NUMBER 1 goal in life is to get to Heaven and to know, love, and serve God and ect. But my teacher doesn't understand this. So we just discussed my goals for school.. jobs.. ect.

And, I looked at my sheet from last year with all my "goals" .. and I didn't write anything! It was all blank except a few easy questions about what I like and what not. So, I did this question/goal list again this year.. and I still didn't write anything. (my teacher wasn't happy that I couldn't come up with anything again.. let me tell you that right now..) So, now I have to make a choice for the next two years. College, Job, basically my vocation in my life. Big decisions to make, plans to plan, ect.
So I'm at that crossroads. And I know a LOT of you are there too. I might not be as far, but I'm close (thinking ahead ect.). So for all you bloggers and young adults out there, I feel your pain. Its hard, and I finally understand what they meant when they said that it would be hard. Its one of many crosses to bear, and I give props to all of you who have figured out your lives and are happily married, or in college, graduated, priesthood, religious life, even the single life. Because I don't think I could make that change.. not yet anyways.

So, thats just my note for the day.


Anonymous said...

As difficult as those crossroads in life can be, just remember... keep dreaming and continue to pursue your goals.
God will open little doors for you. You must take a leap of faith, sometimes, and simply walk through them not having a clue where you will end up on the other side.
He will walk beside you and, often, carry you through.
One thing I am discovering in life is not to sweat the small stuff. It sounds so cliche and it it certainly is easier said than done, I know.
But just give your all to everything you do! Put your heart and soul into it. March forward with hope and resolve.
God gives us one life to live...make it a beautiful one! :-)
Love you!

-Lance said...

Haha, yeah. It's not fun not knowing the answer to this one pretty big and very important question. Why can't it be like Math? There is an answer in the answer book when I don't know. I guess I can't peep into the answer book just yet. *sigh*

sHANNON said...

I wish it was that easy Lance.. I would solve it as a Math problem in seconds even though I hate math. :-p

Laurel, that truly meant a lot to me. And helped me out a lot. Especially right now.. and in the future. :-) I hope your doing well!
I'll message you and we can see if we can meet up in Italy!