I'm just gonna write again.. (prepare to be bored..). So, I'm just going to write about my weekend and week so far. I went to Peteluma and hung out with my cousin and grandparents. Tyler and I mostly just hung out in the back room at our grandparents watching TV and calling random people and talking to them.. also playing music on the best speakers on earth. :-D
We went to my cousin Michael's First Holy Communion which was very nice. St. Vincent's church is VERY beautiful and big. I just wish that we could have a church like that for the Latin Mass. Anyways, all the children who received our Lord dressed their best and behaved very well. Father gave a very nice sermon and sort of went down to the kids level of understanding and really did a good job.
After that, I had a bit of a hard time driving with all the signals there. I mean, when it turns green on some, you have to wait to turn left and move slllooowwwlllyyy out and wait for the oncoming cars to go across.. it was.. scary. lol! My grandpa and I dropped Tyler off at his baseball game on Sunday afternoon and we .. sort of got "lost". I'd ask where to go, and he would just say "Just turn here.. I think". So we basically had a wonderful time trying to find the house again after taking some wrong turns ect. It was fun though, spending some quality time with him, teaching me stuff on how to turn and different signals, and then contradicting my turns.. which wasn't very nice. :-p But I had a great weekend with my family. Saturday night Tyler, Conman and I went swimming and had a blast goofing off and waking up the neighbors. Good times...
Mother's Day was a lot of fun. We went to St. James church (the church where my parents were married, and where I was baptized). And saw the same priest who married my parents and baptized me. Then we went to the Elks Club. Had brunch there and then headed back to my grandparents house. We sat around chillin' and talking to everyone...
And then I got the phone call. My father (he went to his mother's house for Mothers Day) called me earlier in the day asking when I got out of school and what day I got back. I was a little confused but decided to forget it. Then my grandmother called later and asked if I wanted to go to Italy with her. I would have to do some hard labor at her house for a week for it. Of course I was freaking out and said yes. So I guess my cousin is getting married in Como, Italia and she wanted a Travel Companion. So after I get out of school I'll head over to her house and help around her house and do some projects ect. I just handed in all my papers for my passport and I'm very excited. So I'll be getting that in about two weeks (ha, right when I get out of school!). My grandma said that she and I will be able to go to Rome for 3 days and visit the Vatican ect. The one place though which I have been wanting to go every since I knew of his name is St. Philip Neri. Can you believe that I would want to go there first before the Vatican?? But, its true. I made a promise to myself that I once I hit Rome, I would go straight to St. Philip Neri.
He has been a great influence in my life and helped me out a lot through my life. So yeah I basically HAVE to see him and his church. But I'm truly grateful to my Grandma for giving me this opportunity. I'll be gone for two weeks tops. And I'll be able to see all the cousins!
Anyways, I think thats everything that has happened.. well there is Spanish but thats another post I'll get into later.
Shan, that's awesome!!! Your gonna have a blast!! How long are you gonna be there, and when? ...Or were you saying 2 weeks as in going to your Grandma's house, right? Or are you leaving in 2 weeks?!! I can't remember my password for my username....so I had to post as anonymous. <3 ya!
I like the boring news the best...
Haha, jk (I don't even like writing that down because "just kidding" does not go through my head, rather just the letters j and k.) That'll be awesome. Take lots of pictures :D
how come you didn't tell me this awesome news???
i'm tellin ya, shan. you hate me...
jk, i know you don't hate me. jk jk...
yaya!!!! i'm so happy for you dudette! that's gonna be so fun! no joke. you HAVE to tell all the cousins ciao from me, k? if you don't...then i will kill you when you come to utah after all of this. but, you need to take tons of pics too. okie dokie?
COOLIO! :D But where is the spansih? :-( I am dissapointed. Haha, jk!
lol You don't want to even hear what the whole Spanish problem. Lets just say I have a weird Supervisor at the school I take Spanish at.. lol!
Haha, Des sorry for the confusion. I stay in Italy for 2 weeks, I leave Jun 24th and get back Jul 8th. But I have to work at my grandma's for like a week.
Lance I like boring news too.. maybe thats why thats all I've been doing. Btw, your so lazy! can't even right down the whole word. :-p
Oh, you KNOW I will.. after Boston I think I can handle a few 600 pictures. :-p
I didn't know if your dad told you already! I'm sorry! But at least I get to spend a few days with you!!
:-) Thats always a plus.. right?
And I'll for sure tell the cousins Ciao from you. Miss you!
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