So I've been doing school for a couple weeks now, and have come to realize that we aren't in summer anymore. Haha, school is hard! lol! I sound like a baby. But I accomplished my mission today by finishing Geometry for the week. (*sigh* feels so good) I feel like singing that song by James Brown, I FEEL GOOD! dunna dunna dun! SO GOOD! dun, dun!.. yeah okay. But, I want to talk about schedules. (boooring I know)
But hey! Its better to lay it all out and see what you have for the week. Because you know, organization is important in a successful life (Haha! College Success does that to you..).
My week sort of looks like this...
Mon: U.S. History Class
English 3 Class
Tues: Geometry
English 3
College Success Class
Wed: Geometry Class
U.S. History
Thur:English 3
College Success Class
Fri: Geometry Class
Meeting w/Teacher
Sat: Sleep In
Sun: Mass
Yep, my life every week. But if I don't keep to my schedule... dooms day all over again. But I stay with it.. haha pretty much. :-p Hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend! Now... GET TO WORK! (talking to me mostly.. ) lol!
p.s. If you want to update your blog with a cool template or just goof around and add stuff, go to this website: (just copy and paste to your browser)
3 comments: and hate relationship, eh??
exactly. :-D
You like it one day, and hate it the next.
Except I'm REALLY liking college instead of High School.
Its fun.. lol!
You forgot: Every Evening: Call Heidi. <-----------WHY did u forget??! lol! jk! :-p Interesting post....
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